(one-hour per day)
Blood in the Gut -- crafting exciting story openings
Getting the Last Word (Right) -- self-editing for writers
Fine-tuning your darlings, not killing them -- tightening your stories with strong verbs and nouns
Plotting by questions -- Learning the questions that help make your stories resonate
He said, she said, it said -- making your dialog work

Whether you're a beginning writer or a published amateur, I offer workshops and seminars to help you throughout the writing process. Workshops are great outreaches for libraries, writers groups, and bookstores looking to draw local writers. Larger events, such as seminars and break-out panels, work well as part of an organized writers retreat, conference, or convention.
I've led workshops and panels with such varied writers as Peter David, Larry Hama, Denny O'Neil, Bella Morte's Andy Deane, Stephen Zimmer and Jana Oliver.
Writing genre fiction
Writing literary fiction
Self-editing for fiction writers
Visceral Opening Scenes
Writing from the editor's perspective
The life of faith in genre writing
Getting published
Marketing 101 for broke writers
Building an artist's/writer's network
Writing Steampunk
Writing Horror
Writing Mysteries
Creating compelling charactersPulp heroes
New Pulp
Writing for RPGs
Writing for licensed properties